Publications and programs
working with Linen preparing meat Twenty first Century meets the 18th always a smile
photo by Pat Mead photo by Deborah Peterson

About me
Clarissa F. Dillon 708 Buck lane Haverford, Pa. 19041-1202
tel. 610-642-4269
Ph.D Bryn Mawr college, 1986.
Dissertations: "A large, and useful, and, grateful field": Eighteenth-Century kitchen gardens in Southeastern pennsylvania, the uses of plants and their place in woman's work.
"So serve it up" Eighteenth-Century English foodways in Eastern Pennsylvania. Menus and meals for each month for different social, economic and ethnic groups. $25.00 + $3.00 s/h
" To strengthen, to comfort, and to heal" receipt book for John H. hundall (philadelphia c. 1797) _menu- script in the College of Philadelphians. extensive notation $25.00 +$3.00 s/h
With Nancy V. Webster: Margaret Morris Burlington N.J. 1804 Gardening Memorandum ( American Horticultural series No. 6 (Chillicothe IL, Published by The American Botanist , Booksellers 1996) $10.00 $1.50 s/h
With Deborah J. Peterson "A cook's Perspective " Fascinating insight to 18th Century recipes By 2 historic cooks; Second printing by the Historic Foodways Society of the Delaware Valley 2023 $25.00 + $3.00 s/h.

Programs and workshops
"Birth to breeching: 18th century childhood, motherhood and more
18th century Housewifery: woman's work
Kitchen gardens: Colonial or Colonial revival?
Food in British occupied Philadelphia
Hearth cooking workshop: prepare and enjoy an 18th century meal
"Sit not in idleness": hands-on projects demonstrating the differences between 18th and 19th century money, writing, kitchen pepper and quilting
Activities for children: (on site or in the classroom)
Grades 3 & 4 Colonial childhood
Grades 5 & 6 Dr. Mom, colonial style
Grades 6 & 7 colonial money
Site history: The 1696 Thomas Massey House: Kitchen and garden. (on going)
Newlin Grist Mill:Hearth cooking
Historic Fallsington: Fire pit cooking
Many others...

Little books for sale
$10.00 + $3.00 s/h unless otherwise marked.
Baker's dozen: 18th century grain dishes: Baker's dozen 19th century grain dishes. 10$ each, both for $15:00 + s/h $3.00
The well behaved Miss or Courteous Genteel: Behavior for young females
"Manners maketh man" courteous Genevior for young gentlemen.
Kickshaws and other small sweets (updates included)
Various Vinegars :For assorted 17th and 18th century uses
"...the sincerest form of flattery" Imitation dishes based on locally grown ingredients.
Blessed be he that invented puddings
Receipts for caked, boiled,and hasty puddings; sweet and savory.
"Cheeks of rose" untouched by art? 17th and 18th century cosmetics.
Rich and palatable. 18th century waters to cool and refresh. (non alcoholic beverages.
Garnishes and accessories to embellish and enrich dishes on any table with ellagance,excellence and economy.
Pickling: "...a very useful thing in a family"
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? cooking chicken and cooking eggs.
More Little books.
Hors D' oeuvrs or choice little dishes.
as part of the meal or as appetizers.
Sweet and savory sauces for a wide variety of dishes.
"... next to Godliness" various aspects of cleanliness. (intentionally distressed cover) $10.00 + $2.50
That no time be wasted. Helpful hints and useful information for the busy housewife in her in her sphere. $10.00 + $2.50
"... a convenient proportion of sugar"
for the pleasing of the palet. 18th century jams, marmalade and conserves. (used alone or as tart fillings)
An exuberant collection of culinary and medicinal syrups: from the 17th and 18th centuries. both thick sweet liquids, and medicines in liquid forms.
(consider uses of syrups when discussing them)